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              1. <blockquote id='c0KAaf'><q id='c0KAaf'><noscript id='c0KAaf'></noscript><dt id='c0KAaf'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='c0KAaf'><i id='c0KAaf'></i>
                当前位置:首页 > JOIN US

                Environmental product agent to join the instructions

                First, the agent set:

                Acting as a representative of municipalities (provincial cities) and prefecture-level cities (including counties and cities under its jurisdiction).

                Second, agent agent qualification:

                1. an individual or company legal person;

                2. Have a good environmental market information channel;

                3. Have a positive and enterprising spirit and have certain business development capabilities;

                4. Have good social relations and customer resources are preferred;

                5. Experience in relevant environmental market development is preferred.

                Third, the agent method:

                1. Agent application: fill in the application form, provide the application and relevant certificates and materials;

                2. Qualification review: Qualification review of the applicant for the application, and notification of the eligibility of the agent;

                3. Agency fee: The agent must pay the agency market deposit (the agent expires). The agency fee standard is as follows:

                Municipality (provincial) city: 30,000 yuan.

                Prefecture-level cities (including counties and cities under their jurisdiction): 20,000 yuan.

                Authorized agent: sign the agreement, authorize the agent, train the personnel.

                Fourth, the application materials:

                1. Individual: proxy application form, scanned ID card and resume.

                2. Enterprise: Agent application form, scanned copy of business license, scanned copy of legal representative's ID card. Acting agent, provide a copy of the identity card of the charge d'affaires.

                Fifth,Company support:

                1. Provide personnel training.

                2. Provide information for business promotion.

                3. Provide business coaching and technical support.

                4. Participate in the environmental product exhibition according to the actual situation.
