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                当前位置:首页 > ABOUT US > Company Profile

                Jiangsu Klewei Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. is registered in Suzhou National High-tech Development Zone. The main factory covers an area of more than 6,000 square meters. It has its own production workshop, office building, experimental base and product display area. It is a professional environmental protection equipment. Two types of environmental protection companies for production, sales and environmental engineering construction and installation.

                The company takes the national environmental protection policy as the leading factor, combines the reality and is based on the environmental protection market, and is dedicated to the national R&D and production of new environmental protection and energy-saving products and provides “returning waste into treasure” energy recycling technology services. After several years of hard work, the company has developed more than ten kinds of energy-saving environmental protection products, of which 17 have obtained national environmental protection patent certificates, 3 have been certified by Jiangsu Provincial Product Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau, and 1 have been awarded by the National Central Science and Technology Association ( CCAEPI) Environmental product certification.  in October 2016, the company increased its capital to 20 million yuan, increased capital while expanding the business scope, and based on the treatment of sewage, waste gas and dust, Entering new energy industries such as solar energy and wind energy to meet the needs of different customers, while increasing the profit growth point, the company's scale has been expanded, the company's diversified business capabilities have been improved, and the company's long-term stable development cornerstone has been consolidated.

                The company's main products include:

                (1) Oil-water separation and oil separation equipment:

                CLW-OWS series biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator, CLW-ZY series automatic degreasing machine, CLW-ZZY-T series automatic oil-removing and lifting machine, CLW-WT sewage riser, etc.;

                (2) Exhaust gas/soot/dust/odor purification equipment:

                CL-W new catering/industrial plasma fume purification equipment, CLW-YYJ-W plasma purification equipment, CLW-UV exhaust gas odor purification equipment, CLW-UV+ low temperature plasma integrated purification equipment, CLW-HT high-efficiency activated carbon adsorption device, HJ type workshop with mobile welding fume purifier, etc.;

                (3) Living (hospital) sewage treatment (disinfection) equipment:

                CLW-SW series domestic sewage treatment equipment, CLW-SW-N new rural transformation domestic sewage treatment equipment, CLW-WY series small and medium-sized hospital sewage treatment (disinfection) equipment, CLW-SW-Y series swimming pool sewage disinfection treatment circulation system Wait.

                The company's environmental pollution control projects include: catering hotels, commercial complexes, tourist resorts, new rural construction, highways, electronics manufacturing, transportation urban construction, food, petrochemicals, etc.; engineering management covers catering oil/industrial oily wastewater , domestic sewage, hospital sewage disinfection treatment, industrial and mining enterprises production wastewater, swimming pool recycling, water reuse, waste gas (odor) purification and dust pollution control.

                Currently, the project covers many cities within and outside the province. At the same time, the company also provides engineering consulting services such as technical consultation, equipment processing, installation and commissioning, personnel training and environmental engineering operation and maintenance of environmental engineering.

                The company's products and engineering project users include: Shanghai Disneyland (US), Samsung Electronics (Korean), Phoenix Semiconductor (Korean), Matsushita Technology (Japan), Matsushita Semiconductor (Japan), TOWA Semiconductor (Japan) , Baoshide Machinery (US), Coca-Cola Shanghai (US), Wanda Group, China Resources Supermarket, Vanke Real Estate, Youngor Real Estate, Longhu Real Estate, Greenland Group, Shanghai World Financial Center, Xiaoshan International Airport, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport, Nanjing High Speed Rail Hangzhou High Speed Rail, Suzhou Metro Line 1~4 (partial), Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Hilton Hotel, Conch Group, Maanshan Iron and Steel Group, Suzhou Children's Hospital Headquarters, Su Da Fu Yi, Suzhou Fengqiao Hospital, Kunshan Guangci Hospital, Suzhou Hengtang Hospital, Suzhou Rainbow Community Service Center, Suzhou Sunset Red Nursing Home, Beijing Happy Valley, Changzhou Playland Valley, Anji Katy Park, Suzhou Paradise, Ningbo Nantang Old Street, Xitang Ancient Town, 200 food and wastewater renovation, Tongli, Sewage renovation of more than 10 schools (including hospitals) in Wuzhen Scenic Area and Wangjiangyu Town, including KFC More than 1,000 users in different industries.

                Jiangsu Clayway Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. will continue to improve and innovate with the new business philosophy of “not seeking to have, but only for a long time”, with the spirit of “integrity, pragmatism, efficiency and innovation”. Domestic and foreign users provide more advanced and practical, economical and reliable environmental products and quality services.

                Jiangsu Klewei Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. welcomes friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to build a beautiful home!
