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                新闻资讯 NEWS
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                The importance of installing oil-water separators
                发布时间:2019-01-15 15:05:51 点击次数:375

                The production of catering oil-water separation tanks is a new revolution in the food industry, catering industry and environmental protection business. It has changed its working structure and production appearance in both catering and industry. Before the hotel oil-water separation tank, the catering industry basically deals with wastewater treatment. It is directly poured into the sewer, which is easy to cause sewer blockage or more serious environmental pollution. Finally, catering companies still have to use the financial means to clear the sewers, which brings a lot of unnecessary trouble to themselves. After the oil-water separation tank of the hotel is born, the waste oil can be easily separated to achieve pollution-free discharge, and the trouble of dredging the sewer is also reduced.

                The oil-water separation tank of the hotel seems to be simple in principle. In fact, the oil-water separation tank of the hotel has strict requirements on the structure. It is well known that oil and water have different densities and are mutually incompatible. Since the density of the oil is much smaller than the density of the water, so that the oil can float on the water, the designer has used this principle to create a hotel oil-water separation tank. The hotel oil-water separation tank has a water outlet, a debris basket, a water inlet and an oil outlet, and a partition or two-layer partition. The whole structure is made of stainless steel. After the sewage containing waste oil enters from the water inlet, it first enters the debris basket. In this link, some impurities such as leftovers and vegetable dregs are filtered in the debris basket. Subsequently, the water containing only the waste oil enters the second layer and is deposited. Since the oil floats on the water, the waste oil will flow out from the higher discharge port.

                Catering oil and water separation tanks:

                The hotel oil and water separation tank is suitable for the vast catering service industry. Simply put, the prototype of the food and gas separation device is the hotel oil-water separation tank, because it is suitable for various branches of the catering industry. Therefore, we have also called it a catering oil and water processor, which can process the oily wastewater or waste oil remaining after the catering, separate and collect and reuse. Solve the troubles of oil pollution for you.

                The oil-water separation tank of the hotel has a beautiful appearance and a simple internal structure but contains rigorous scientific principles. The oil-water separation tank of the hotel is made of stainless steel. From the appearance, the edges and corners are distinct and shiny, giving the user a strong and durable metal beauty. In the internal structure, it is equipped with slag pools, partitions and other objects to achieve oil-water separation. The food and gas separation device has three openings, namely the water inlet, the water outlet and the oil discharge port, and the height and size thereof are strictly required. The water inlet is the opening of the sewage, which can be connected with the sewage equipment. The water discharged from the water outlet is the separated water, which does not contain most of the impurities and oil. The oil discharge port discharges the waste oil after separating the oily wastewater. Come out and recycle. Due to its working characteristics, the oil-water processor can protect the environment and prevent the backflow of the oil from flowing back to protect people's health.

                The small catering oil-water separation pool has solved a lot of troubles for the catering industry, and has also improved the living environment of the surrounding residents, which has won everyone's favorite.