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                新闻资讯 NEWS
                当前位置:首页 > NEWS > Industry Information
                Three precautions for using grease traps
                发布时间:2019-01-15 15:10:17 点击次数:322

                Oil-water separation equipment is one of the must-have equipments for the treatment of grease wastewater discharge. Following the recent increase in environmental awareness, the state's requirements for enterprises are constantly tightened. The types of automatic oil-discharge equipment on the market are also increasing, and the quality and performance of the oil-dissipating equipment produced by different manufacturers are also very different. In order to help us understand more about the problems in the use of oil-repellent equipment, the oil-water separation equipment manufacturers have summarized the following points for your reference:

                Three precautions for using grease traps

                1. Inspection before starting work

                The oil-removing equipment needs to be actively tested before use, and it needs to be thoroughly analyzed during the inspection, especially the introduction or export of the oil-removing equipment system. After the abnormality is found, it needs to be processed in time. The normal use of the degreaser can effectively prevent the outflow of wastewater, but it will increase the trouble for people to use.

                2, the monitor should pay more attention

                The use of the device requires attention for the display. It is necessary to pay attention to its pressure gauge or other device display. It is necessary to solve the problem after knowing that the display has a problem, so as to ensure that the separation of the oil separation device is normal, which is also effective. The problem of reduction has arisen.

                3. Cleaning after use

                The equipment still needs to be cleaned up after the end of the operation, which can effectively prevent the presence of impurities, which will affect its normal operation.

                The above points are several problems that need to be paid attention to when using oil-repellent equipment. If you want to ensure that the equipment has good oil-water separation effect, you must understand how the oil-displacement equipment should be selected and must be strictly used when using it. Check the above to get a good result.