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                新闻资讯 NEWS
                当前位置:首页 > NEWS > Industry Information
                Development status of catering oil water separator
                发布时间:2019-01-15 15:24:41 点击次数:428

                (1) Catering enterprises do not pay attention to the separation of waste oil and water. For users, oil-water separators are environmentally friendly equipment that only increase the cost of the enterprise without output. Therefore, a considerable number of end users do not pay attention to the separation of oil and water, plus oil-water separation equipment. The performance and quality of the product are not easy to determine. The user's most concern is whether the emission can pass the acceptance of the environmental protection department and the price of the product. Therefore, some manufacturers advertise the products that have passed the “package emission clearance” and “package approval”. Manufacturers of these products spend most of their money on the connection of various connections, and the investment in product development, materials and quality is minimal, resulting in poor quality and performance.

                (2) Difficulty in judging product performance At present, the mainstream oil-water separation detection is very complicated. On-site sampling requires multiple people and multiple large instruments. It takes at least one week from sampling, analysis to data, and different food and beverage forms. The impact of the data is large, and the product effects and emissions data are not very intuitive, making product performance difficult to judge. At the same time, the cost of testing is also high (economic cost and time cost). In many places, the environmental protection department can't cope with the regular inspection of many catering industry, which eventually leads to low-priced counterfeit products flooding the market.

                (3) The industry threshold is low. The technical requirements of the oil and water separation equipment for the catering industry are not high. The emission standards have no difference in the water discharge requirements of the oil-water separation equipment, and the detection conditions are not set strictly, resulting in the products of some unscrupulous manufacturers can be added through the equipment. The layer has a certain density of filter material, so that the purification efficiency of the device can be detected in a manner that can be greatly improved in a short time.

                (4) There are many human intervention factors in the process of local protectionism. The market is opaque and non-standard, which affects the healthy development of the industry. For example, in some areas, due to local protection, artificially set up “obstacles” and only allow local enterprises to undertake business in the market, making it difficult for foreign companies to enter the local market.

                (5) The government's supervision needs to be strengthened. At present, some small restaurants or food stalls do not have any oil-water separation equipment installed, and the waste oil and water are directly discharged. There are also some restaurants and hotels that leave the separator idle after passing the environmental protection acceptance; Timely maintenance and cleaning of oil-water separation equipment, resulting in unstable equipment, and secondary pollution hazards. The daily supervision of the oil and water discharge of catering enterprises by the environmental protection department is not enough, and needs to be further increased.

                (6) Weak technical strength Most oil and water separation equipment manufacturers in Shanghai's catering industry belong to small and medium-sized enterprises. They lack the talents and funds needed for innovation, and have not established a sound independent innovation mechanism, which seriously restricts the development and high technology. Most production companies do not have full-time R&D personnel. A few companies with full-time R&D personnel have problems with weak R&D capabilities and no R&D team, resulting in weak technology R&D capabilities, long technology and product renewal cycles, new technologies and new product reserves. Seriously insufficient to meet the market's growing demand for environmentally friendly products. At the same time, the low-price competition in the industry makes the product profit is meager, and the product is easy to counterfeit, which makes the enterprise lose confidence in the R&D investment, and to a certain extent, it also dampens the enthusiasm of the independent research and development of the enterprise.

                (7) The level of production management is not high. The scale of enterprises is small and the level of production management is not high. The understanding of the whole process of production management can promote the improvement of product quality. Many enterprises have established various rules and regulations of production management, but the implementation force Not enough, there is still a gap with standardized production management.

                (8) Market chaos Some enterprises have low-price competition and shoddy market in the market. Some oil-water separator manufacturers will pretend to handle large-capacity equipment in a way that reduces product size and reduces processing capacity. The acquiescence of the installation company, etc., has led many companies to take short-term actions of quick success and instant benefit, which has affected the long-term development of the company. What is more important is the large-scale application of these products in the market, focusing on product quality and performance. Regular manufacturers have caused serious harm and have also greatly hindered the healthy development of the industry.