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                新闻资讯 NEWS
                当前位置:首页 > NEWS > Industry Information
                Importance of installing oil-water separation equi
                发布时间:2019-01-15 15:25:51 点击次数:389

                With the continuous development of modern society, the catering industry is booming, more and more catering wastes are coming along. At the same time, all kinds of kitchen waste treatment equipment have sprung up, the first is the oil-water separation equipment. . What is a water-oil separator? As the name implies, it is a device that leaves oil and moisture. Baidu defines it as an instrument that leaves oil and moisture. The principle is mainly to remove impurities by gravity sedimentation principle based on the difference in density of water and fuel. The separator for moisture has internal separation elements such as a diffusion cone and a strainer.

                The main components of catering waste are oil and leftovers. How do you separate these? The oil-water separator has just happened to solve this problem, filtering out the leftovers in the catering waste, and then using the difference in the proportion of oil and water. The oil moisture in the catering waste is separated by the oil-water separation device. The separated oil is recycled by a special person to produce fuels in the fields of soap and aviation, realizing the secondary utilization of waste oil and reducing the blockage of underground pipelines.

                With the continuous rise of the catering industry and the increasing punishment for catering and environmental protection, major catering companies have installed oil-water separators, which not only reduced the blockage of underground pipelines, but also separated the waste oil through the unified recycling of the government. Catering companies brought a certain profit, but also reduced the environmental pollution of the catering industry. However, the reporter visited a number of restaurants and restaurants, and found that some restaurants did not have a water separator. Instead, dump the food waste directly into the sewer. The person in charge said that various animal fats, bones, facial tissues, etc. in the catering waste will condense into a mass after a long time, and adhere to the inner wall of the sewer pipe. After a long time, the entire sewer pipe will be blocked, even if it is manually dredged, using high pressure. Water guns are also difficult to dredge. In view of this situation, only by fundamentally starting, restaurants and restaurants must install oil-water separators, so that food waste and grease should not be directly discharged into the sewer pipe, so as to achieve the effect of governance from the source.

                The problem of food waste pollution has always been a topic of concern and discussion. If we want to completely control, not only must the government correctly guide, but the person in charge of the catering industry must strictly control and standardize the installation of oil-water separation equipment.