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                新闻资讯 NEWS
                当前位置:首页 > NEWS > Industry Information
                Restaurant kitchen grease trap also needs careful
                发布时间:2019-01-15 15:32:48 点击次数:463

                The following catering oil and water separation equipment Xiaobian will introduce the maintenance of the grease trap.

                The best maintenance is not to start after the grease trap is installed, but to take precautions when it is not installed. For example, at the entrance to the kitchen kitchen grease trap, the company needs to install a filter that initially isolates the waste to ease the work of the grease trap. At the same time, the installation should also pay attention to the placement of the various components of the equipment, try to make them on the same horizontal line.

                The control of the water inlet speed can effectively improve the working effect of the kitchen grease trap of the restaurant. After all, if the water flows too fast, it is likely that the oil in the waste water has not been removed, and the wastewater has reached the water outlet. Of course, too slow will affect the degreasing efficiency of the corporate kitchen. Therefore, when installing, the company should set up the inlet pipe to keep the water flow speed in a more suitable space.

                After the grease trap equipment is officially put into operation, the company should do a good job of cleaning up regularly, and at least once a month, arrange a thorough "cleaning" work. Regardless of whether it is a slag zone or a grease trap, the waste and waste oil left in the grease trap should be cleaned up in a timely manner. If not, the more garbage in the device, the more it will eventually lead to device blockage. It’s a bit late to talk about maintenance and maintenance at this time.

                The above is some knowledge about the maintenance of the restaurant kitchen grease trap, I hope to give you some help. If you are interested in the cleaning and maintenance work of the grease trap, please keep an eye on our update status, and share the relevant knowledge points later.

                For those who have studied degreasing equipment, the grease trap is a must-have equipment for cost-effective and oily wastewater treatment. Just the person who just touched the grease trap may not be clear about this. Let's briefly introduce some of the grease traps.

                I must listen to the name, and everyone can roughly guess the role of the grease trap. Oil separation, grease separation, is not the equipment to separate the oil substances! The water that is discharged into the pipeline in our daily life is certainly not clean water, usually contains all kinds of impurities or oil, especially for the wastewater in the catering industry. .

                However, according to regulations, these wastewaters cannot be discharged directly into urban sewers because they are likely to cause pipeline blockage and affect the drainage system of the entire city. What's more, these oily wastewater or various kinds of residue are directly discharged into the river, which will also affect the living environment of human beings!

                In view of this situation, the grease trap appears, its role is to achieve oil and water separation, so that the vegetable residue and various oils and oil are separated from the water, so that the treated, less polluted water is discharged into the pipeline. Generally speaking, as long as the grease trap can operate normally, the leftovers, hair strands, building residues and various oils and fats can be easily filtered and isolated to ensure that the company's sewers can be unimpeded.

                It is important to know that large materials are difficult to be washed down by running water in lengthy pipes, and grease is very easy to adhere to the pipes, forming dirt and affecting the flow capacity of the pipes. The role of the grease trap is to solve these problems, but also a clean, easy to block pipe! If you do not want to always encounter pipe blockage, if you do not want to always spend the pipe tolls, quickly add a grease to yourself Pool!