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                CLW-HP spray tower

                Spray tower working principle: This product is mainly composed of air inlet chamber, efficiency filter, packing chamber, multi-stage spray, mist eliminator, collection chamber, water circulation ch



                product name:CLW-HP exhaust spray tower
                Product Category:Exhaust gas (odor) purification system -> CLW-HP series spray tower
                Processing volume:1200~36000m3/h
                product advantages:Advanced technology, small size, high processing effect, low cost of use and maintenance
                Use range:

                Suitable for workshop spraying, paint factory or for producing granular and odorous waste gas

                Spray tower working principle:

                This product is mainly composed of air inlet chamber, efficiency filter, packing chamber, multi-stage spray, mist eliminator, collection chamber, water circulation chamber and air outlet. It is mainly used for the pretreatment of paint exhaust gas, odorous harmful exhaust gas and adhesive gas, which can effectively separate the solid matter in the gas. The polluted gas enters the spray tower from the left side, and the spray of liquid mist causes the insoluble viscose particles and dust to fall to the surface of the water, and then filters through the filter. The filler adsorption, mist eliminator defogging removes the moisture and suspended particles of the gas to eliminate the foul odor. Harmful gas, so that the clean gas goes out from the upper part, insoluble viscose particles and dust rush into the collecting tank, the suspended particles go out from the overflow port, and the collected sediment is discharged from the sewage outlet.

                Suitable range:

                Suitable for dust removal or deodorization in spraying, chemical, dye, electronics, mining, electroplating, plastics industry, etc.
