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                CLW-UV photo-oxidation equipment

                Spray tower working principle: This product is mainly composed of air inlet chamber, efficiency filter, packing chamber, multi-stage spray, mist eliminator, collection chamber, water circulation ch



                product name:UV photo-oxygen exhaust gas purifier
                Product Category:Exhaust gas (odor) purification system -> CLW-UV Photo Oxygen Odor Purification Equipment
                Processing volume:5000~60000m3/h
                product advantages:High purification efficiency, stable and stable structure, small size and light weight; low operating cost, low power consumption; easy maintenance, safe and reliable
                Use range:

                Rubber factory, refinery, chemical plant, CNC processing workshop, pharmaceutical factory, electronics factory, injection workshop, etc.

                Product advantages

                1. High purification efficiency and stable operation;

                2, compact structure, novel, small size, light weight, UV structure design of UN tube;

                3, the hum is less than 45bA), the wind resistance is less than 300Pa;

                4. Low operating cost and low power consumption;

                5. Easy maintenance and long service life;

                6, safe and reliable, the price is reasonable.

                Technical characteristics

                1. Efficient removal of malodor: It can effectively remove volatile pollutants (VOC), inorganic substances, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, mercaptans and other major pollutants, as well as various malodors. Deodorization efficiency can reach up to 99%, deodorization. The effect greatly exceeds the national odor emission standard (GB14554-93) promulgated in 1993.

                No need to add any substances: only need to set the corresponding exhaust duct and exhaust power to make the malodorous gas deodorize and purify through this equipment, without adding any substances to participate in the chemical reaction.

                3, strong adaptability: can adapt to high concentration, atmospheric volume, different odorous gas substances deodorization purification treatment, can work continuously 24 hours a day, stable and reliable operation.

                4. Low operating cost: This equipment has no mechanical action, no noise, no need for special personnel management and daily maintenance. It only needs regular inspection, and the equipment has low energy consumption. (Each treatment of 1000 cubic meters / hour, only consume about 0.2 degrees of electricity), equipment wind resistance is extremely low <50pa, can save a lot of exhaust power consumption.

                5, no need to pre-treatment: malodorous gas does not need special pretreatment, such as heating, humidification, etc., the working environment temperature of the equipment is between -30 °C-95 °C, humidity is 30%-98%, PH value is 2-13 Both work fine.

                6. The equipment has small floor space and light weight: it is suitable for special conditions such as compact layout and narrow space. The equipment covers an area of <1 square meter/processed 10000m3h air volume.

                7, high-quality imported materials manufacturing: fire, corrosion resistance, stable performance, long service life.

                8. Environmentally-friendly high-tech patented products: adopting international advanced technology concepts, through the long-term repeated trials of experts and our company's engineering and technical personnel, developed and finished

                The self-developed high-tech environmentally-friendly purification product can completely decompose the toxic and harmful substances in the malodorous gas, and can achieve the perfect deodorizing effect. The decomposed odorous gas can completely achieve harmless discharge and never cause secondary pollution. At the same time, it achieves the effect of high efficiency sterilization.

                Scope of application

                Deodorization and purification treatment of malodorous gases such as refineries, rubber plants, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, sewage treatment plants, and waste transfer stations.

                National unified customer service phone: 400-623-120
