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                OWS biochemical disc type integrated oil water sep

                Product qualification and certificate of honor: 1. National Environmental Certification Product Certificate No.: CCAEPI-EP-2012-023 2. Shanghai Tongji University Environmental Product Testing Center



                Product name:OWS biochemical disc type integrated oil water separator
                Product Category:Catering / Industrial Oil Water Separation Equipment -> OWS New Disc Type Integrated Oil Water Separator
                Processing volume:0.2~70.0 tons/hour
                Product advantages:National environmental certification products, integrated structure design, small footprint, no power, biochemical filter treatment, good separation effect, high processing efficiency, convenient installation and maintenance.
                Use range:Applicable to restaurants, fast food restaurants, enterprises and institutions canteens, hotels, tourist resorts, large food courts, etc. in various food and beverage industries.

                Product qualification and certificate of honor:

                1. National Environmental Certification Product Certificate No.: CCAEPI-EP-2012-023

                2. Shanghai Tongji University Environmental Product Testing Center passed the product inspection number: 2012 (报)-01

                3. National intellectual property patent products Biochemical disc type oily sewage processor patent number: ZL 2011 2 0175225.2

                4. National intellectual property patent products Biochemical disc-type integrated product oil-water separator Patent No.: ZL 2010 2 0196624.2

                5. Quality and technical supervision production license certification products (June 2010).

                6, Jiangsu Province quality AAA products (number: 010682).

                7. Shanghai Food and Drug Administration's inspection and passing products (August 2012, Shanghai Food Safety Network Separator Quality Qualified Manufacturers Announcement)

                First, product overview

                OWS biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator, including at least one dregs basket, one water inlet, one water outlet, one biochemical disc assembly processor, one cuboid container and one set of dosing device (optional) The biochemical disc type integrated oil-water separator is constructed.

                OWS biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator completely breaks the traditional single oil-water separation bottleneck, increases biochemical discs, filter units and dosing devices, and skillfully filters mesh, physical gravity, gap damping, and biological The carrier film treatment method and the dosing method are organically combined to make the suspended matter in the oily sewage (SS) in the suitable time and space through the slag removal, the oil slicking, the decomposition of the free oil and the deep treatment of the medicinal treatment. ), floating state and free state oil (FOG), biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) and other pollutants are greatly removed, effectively solving the soluble oil and encapsulated oil particles in the oily sewage of food and beverage The problem of deep removal has ensured the stable compliance and discharge of oil after treatment of oily sewage in restaurants, so that the “ditch oil” that has long plagued people's lives has been treated centrally and recycled in an orderly manner.

                OWS biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator is a new environmentally-friendly product required by China's economic development and environmental protection policy. It is in line with the requirements of strengthening the special treatment of “ditch oil” and the treatment of kitchen waste in major cities in China, in line with the elimination of “ditch oil”. "Go back to the table and guarantee the long-term planning of the people's food safety."

                OWS biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator is especially suitable for the treatment and discharge of oily wastewater in the catering industry, and is also suitable for oil pretreatment of all non-food industry oily sewage.

                Second, product appearance and structure

                1. The appearance of OWS biochemical disc-type integrated oil-water separator (The following picture shows the physical image of a single bio-disc processor product):
