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              1. <blockquote id='gtKPwH'><q id='gtKPwH'><noscript id='gtKPwH'></noscript><dt id='gtKPwH'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='gtKPwH'><i id='gtKPwH'></i>
                CLW-Y series small hospital sewage disinfection (dosing) equipment

                The source and composition of sewage in hospitals are complex, containing pathogenic microorganisms, toxic and harmful physical and chemical pollutants, etc., which have the characteristics of space p



                The source and composition of sewage in hospitals are complex, containing pathogenic microorganisms, toxic and harmful physical and chemical pollutants, etc., which have the characteristics of space pollution, acute infection and latent infection. Without effective treatment, it will become an important way for the spread of epidemics and serious pollution. surroundings.

                First, the characteristics of sewage before treatment

                The main water quality representative parameters of the sewage before treatment: E. coli ≤ 3 × 108.

                The main water quality representative parameters of treated sewage: Escherichia coli ≤5000MPN/L, residual chlorine 2~8mg/L, PH=6~9. After treatment, the main pollution indicators reach the national sewage comprehensive discharge and the medical institution water pollution discharge standard GB18466-2005 "Pretreatment standards.

                Second, the wastewater treatment process

                The process is as follows:


                The dosing device is mainly manual manual dosing. The whole dosing device mainly includes an inlet, a dosing port, a drug solution box, a sewage treatment device main body, a liquid level tube, a sampling port, a sewage outlet, a pipeline, a base and an outlet, and belongs to Integrated processing module equipment.

                The dosing device adopts an integrated structure form, and has the advantages of compact structure, small volume, stable work, simple installation, convenient operation and the like.

                Third, the specification model:

                Specifications and models: CLW-50~300L, according to user needs.

                Remarks: The size of the equipment can be customized by the on-site space; unless it is specially customized, all the sewage treatment equipment is made of PP material, which is anti-corrosive and durable.

                Fourth, equipment installation:

                The equipment is easy to install. First, find the right space for the equipment and install it on the level.

                1. Install the inlet pipe, connect it with the source pipe of the sewage, and enter the water collection tank by means of self-flow.

                2. The outlet pipe is connected to the sewer or lagoon.

                3. Check if there is water leakage in each pipeline.

                4. The installation is complete.

                V. Technical description of sewage treatment equipment:

                1. The sewage enters the sewage treatment equipment through the pipeline, and enters the dosing, disinfection and treatment stage through the dosing and diversion system;

                2. The dosing method of the sewage treatment system is artificial periodic dosing, the disinfecting agent is sodium chloroacetate, and the disinfection reaction time of the sewage in the disinfecting device is 60-90 minutes;

                3. The main pollution indicators of treated sewage reach the national sewage comprehensive discharge and the pretreatment standard of “Water Pollution Discharge Standard GB18466-2005 of Medical Institutions”.

                Six, matters needing attention

                1. When the original water-powered water valve works, control the water flow and indirectly operate to prevent the overflow of the equipment due to excessive water flow.

                2. Rinse the sand filter tank regularly to prevent the foreign matter from clogging and affect the filtration effect.

                3. Regularly replace the filter cotton to prevent the power pump from clogging.

                4, regularly add chlorine tablets, so as not to affect the sterilization effect.

                Seven, after-sales service

                Suzhou Clayway Environmental Protection Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd. is committed to the principle of “Quality First, Advanced Technology and Perfect Service” to promise users:

                1. The sewage treatment equipment produced and sold by the company reaches the designed water quality discharge standard.

                2. All equipments are guaranteed for one year and provide technical services for life. After one year, spare parts and repair parts are provided at preferential prices.

                3. Establish long-term contact and technical support with users, provide users with technical advice and services with the latest technology.

                National after-sales service: 400-623-1203


                This manual is for reference only. According to the actual installation conditions, the company has the right to change the original product specifications and structural design without prior notice!

                The company has the final interpretation, thank you for your cooperation and support!